在日本筑波市骑车观光 Touring Tsukuba by Bicycle



We like to tour Tsukuba city by bicycles after arriving here. At beginning, we rented bicycles. The price is 500 yen per bike per day. Now we have two bicycles shippped from China. Tsukuba is a very friendly city, particularly to cyclists. There are special riding lanes on both sides of the road.


There are also elevated roads for cyclists.  As shown in the picture below,  no motor vehicles are allowed to drive on those road. It is very convenient and safe. Moreover, the path is connected with several small parks. It is pleasing to see the sceneries.


In many cases, the pedestrian lane is separated from the bicycle lane. For example, in the above picture and the following picture, the pedestrian lane is on the right while the bicycle lane is on the left.

有时要通过天桥越过与之交叉的机动车道,于是会有上下坡,给骑行增加了些挑战,也增加了些乐趣。There are uphills and downhills.


Along the road, there are many good places for sightseeing. There is an aerospace exhibition hall next to the hotel.

小路穿过一所学院,经过其足球场。It passes through an university.

路边的的小湖中有很多尾大鱼。There are many big fishes in small lakes by the side of the road.

进入秋天之后,小路两边的风景又是不同。The scenery changes along the season change. Feel it is even more beautiful in autumn. 

也不仅仅是黄叶和红叶,也有开得满树白花的小树。There are not only yellow and red leaves, but also trees fulll of white flowers.

常绿的松树林,让人忘了是在什么季节。The evergreen pine forest can make people forget what season it is.

特别值得一提的是每辆自行车都有车灯,让晚上出行更加安全。It is worth mentioning that every bicycle has light. It helps cyclist to stay safe when it is dark. 


